Select the text, press Ctrl + C. Everything is simple here, you do it every day.
Windows tools don’t know how to copy and store different types of content with the correct formatting, but what a benefits and time savings the feature can provide!
MemoryPool is a simple utility that will make you the king of the clipboard. How does it work?
Besides hotkeys, you can import text using the Assistant. It is placed over other windows and displays all stored pools (№1, 2, 3 etc) of data together. Each pool displays the first few words to remind you what is stored in each pool. To insert data, you need to place the cursor in the right place in the document and click the pool from the list in the helper.
Just download the licensed version of the program from our website and install it on your computer. Follow the instructions to register. Congratulations! You can use all the features of Memory Pool right now!
We provide you a 21-day trial. All functions will be available for free, and you can see right now how Memory Pool makes our life easier.
Store 10 pools of data at the same time. Each slot (pool) has its own insert key combination.
Copy the text in any text editor or web, and add wherever there is a paste function.
The program contains a main window with 10 tabs of copied data, just like a regular text editor. Copy, edit in the program, paste. Also, use Assistant to insert a pool data with a single mouse click.
Save all 10 data pools to the server and access them from any other computer with Memory Pool installed.
Do you fight with routine every day? Save time on copy-paste!
Subscribe Memory Pool for 1 year now and use the program's features without any restrictions! Free trial available
1 year of use